The bad news? The new series is on Sky, the evil television station. Normally, I watch programmes on DVD box sets. But a friend was keen to watch the new series live, as it were, and even wanted us to dress for the part.
However, neither of us has Sky. Even if you've got Virgin, you can't watch it because they couldn't afford the fees Sky Atlantic demanded. So, we're prevented from watching.
And that's the essence of Sky. It's not about providing but about restricting. They stop us watching the football. They've created a gated community for viewers.
Previously, Mad Men was on the BBC and, therefore, available to the toiling masses. This was appropriate as the BBC's easy superiority in quality over every crass commercial channel is a clear triumph of state socialism over capitalism.
Alas, it's the latter we're stuck with. How apt, then, that the new series features the civil rights movement. Back then it was the right to vote. Now it's the right to view.
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